Paula Kryszpel
State of Maryland
A note from NASGA: The passing of Paula Kryszpel reminds us of the many people in the same horrible circumstance and whose obituary reads that the individual passed away at the nursing home, leading the reader to assume the person was old and put in the facility because family couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of their loved one.
This was not the case with Paula Kryszpel, nor many others who suffer the same fate. All Paula wanted was to be home with her loving family who wanted her home; but neither she nor her family were given that choice. Instead, she was forced into a facility against her will, by guardianship, and she was held there until the day she died. She was lonely and afraid and she suffered multiple falls and other set-backs. Her health took a sharp decline and her spirit was broken. Perhaps in the end death was even merciful to take her, considering how unhappy and by that time how broken she was.
Paula’s family appreciates the outpouring of love and condolences they are receiving in Paula’s honor.
It’s so hard to believe Ma is gone. As much as she suffered, she kept going for so long –clinging on to life. Her innate spirit and our love gave her enormous strength. As her love gave us enormous strength.
Our heart is broken and will never repair itself. We will go outside and look up at the stars tonite. That’s where Ma is – watching us and that’s where she’ll be forever, we hear her whispering in our ears that she loves us.
She will be remembered for her zest for life, against all odds! From young she possessed an unstoppable life force which is not easily extinguished….except in death.
God bless you and Joseph. May you meet again the family you have not seen since young after being the best parents and grandparents in this life.
We will be having a separate service.
As Paula continues to decline, her family continues to ask for all good people to pray for her. She has been valiantly fighting to live …. an honest woman, a moral woman who had undergone unimaginable tragedy in her young life. And now again…. we beg for your prayers ….
Update: September 2017:
People Paula had never met had taken over every part of her life….torn her away from her loved ones, taken her worldly possessions, crippled her, did not care when she begged to be free and when she was injured over and over again …along with her injuries and disbelief , she still begged to be free…. Nothing helped . Now crippled…. Almost gone . The last years of her life stolen from her her family stolen from her, her possessions taken from her. Just as what happened in her young years . Everything taken…… But brave, good people helped her and her family to live. Not now .
The ones who did this now go about their daily life, eating out, vacationing, being with their loved ones, having enough of everything, getting more and more … struggling for them…… And the simple act of walking…….they can do. Not Paula. It has all been taken . There are some things in life you forget as time goes by … But this, as time goes by, will never be forgotten and only get bigger and bigger. The absence that has been caused, what has been take , can only be spoken about in choked tones and with eyes that have been blinded by tears . The people affected by this seem to not be able to forget ….. Not any of them… The farther away from what was cruelly done, the bigger it gets, the louder it gets.
Update: January 2017:
Paula has been fighting so hard to keep living. But for weeks now she is in and out, sleeping …. Forced into a strange kafkaesque life – all the injuries to her body the strange drugs, the physical toll, the fright of what has been done . She cannot last much longer . And this is a person who fought to live when young and now ….. With no war, look what happened to her and her tiny family!
This remarkable woman was forced to march miles when young continued to be a walker, now crippled “somehow” and in a wheelchair!
Recently, she recognized the beautiful jacket she had not seen since this imprisonment was inflicted on her. Immediately she tried to remember where she had worn it and smiled.
It was hard to ruin her mind, known her whole life for its stability. The drugs forced on her were foreign to her body. She never needed anything but blood pressure meds and had the physical heart of a 20 year old.
Her body has been mortally harmed ,her heart broken at what was done to her and her family.
Doug Franks mother Ernestine was finally free, and unfortunately died after such a short taste of freedom. We do not want this for PAULA. !!! We beg for good honest people to help her out of this.
Paula never had a chance to see how long her parents and grandparents would have lived. She was disciplined in her life and took joy in seeing how long she would live with no interruptions such as befell them. A war forced upon them. People killed. Assets taken. Paula Kryszpel needs to be freed. She needs that chance.
It is so very hard for us not to have my mother, our home. The holidays are here. Neither of us tell the other the fright and loneliness we feel. Why this was done? We want my mother and our regular life back so much.
They have taken everything from us. We are hurting while not saying it, because we have to keep going . I am trying to absorb most of the pain. But my daughter feels it. She feels it every week when she brings her imprisoned,now wheelchair bound, grandmother gifts like new shoes she finds that her grandmother would like. To look at the shoes, knowing who they came from makes her grandmother know we are here, never far, always loving her. My mother wonders about her house, her property, her money. We tell her, “Everything is the same, don’t worry!” But, nothing is the same. Nothing. And we keep on for the sake of my dear mother and the memory of my now deceased father. But, we all know nothing is the same nor will it ever be the same or ever be right.
We wish you all good holiday season and to remember us. And please pray.
We want her FREE.
She did nothing wrong and has wanted to be free with her every breath from the first minute. Give her back her life. Give her back what is hers. Set her free. Uninjured and in one piece. She has been broken in this “guardianship, her body, her life. Why ?
Give her back what is God given and what is hers.
We beg you to set her free.
She wants to live and get stronger…. to get up off the wheelchair; but she can’t. From this last “fall,” her eye is all bruised and her face now disfigured. Someone said ” no more pretty. ” People have been mortally shocked at what she looks like – as if she’d been punched in the face.
She has wanted to be free every minute and “somehow” her hip was broken. She wanted to be free every minute and even with the drugging her mind worked well. And now “somehow” her face gets bruised. Look at what has been done to my dear mother.
Update: October 16, 2016:
Another “incident” and this one resulted in staples to her head. You can see, she has more bruises on her face. And remarkably, she keeps ticking, although she is in absolute misery and despair.
Please pray for Paula, that she continues to make it through these ongoing “incidents”
Let this be a call and pleading to any good, powerful people to FREE PAULA NOW!
Update July 5, 2016:
I am told my Mother fell during the night. She has head injuries and her sweet face is all bruised and battered.
My poor Mother.
She has always been the most normal, balanced, and normal person …. look what they’re doing to her! All she has ever wanted is to live a good life and that’s exactly what she did until guardianship got a hold on her.
Update: June 17, 2016:
My Mother has fallen again.
How much more can she endure and why does she have to endure any of it?
Why can’t she go home where she will be cared for and safe?
Update: May 2016:
My Mother wants to live.
When she was young, she battled during the war for the very privilege of living. She was strong and determined and she wanted a good life for herself and then for her family. So she worked hard; and when she was tired, she worked even harder. And together with my Father, they earned the good life they worked so hard and sacrificed for.
Until the guardianship — now, she is trapped in a facility against her will and she is miserable and afraid and drugged. She just wants out – and to go home to the loving arms of her family. She works hard now just to keep her spirits up and to keep living, hoping God will save her from this misery she doesn’t deserve. Recently, her hip was broken and she underwent surgery. She survived that too.
I was just informed the doctor has placed a “DNR” (Do Not Resuscitate) Order on my dear Mother who above all, wants to live. What more can they take from her but her very life? They’ve taken everything else precious to her and now they are taking what’s most precious to me, my Mother. God save us, please!
I fear what injury may befall her next? How can they who have taken away all she has, including her freedom, sleep at night knowing what they have done to this fine woman who just so desperately wants to go home to her family and be safe?
IT FINALLY HAPPENED…The normal, healthy woman put into nursing home while begging every single day to be free, drugs forced on her, lost 40 pounds of weight and muscle mass. The day “before her big fall” she was drugged into a stupor, very weak and “apologizing” to everyone for “how weak” she feels.
Some Good Samaritans, though fearful for their jobs and retribution, anyway begged to “do ANYTHING to get her OUT before something more happens ” to this woman! Paula has never been a frightened person but her eyes showed fright for weeks before . What did she know? Now, not able to walk, she is either always “resting” (drug induced) in bed or needs to be in a wheelchair.
It may have been an unexpected surprise to some that, in the poor physical condition she was given to that other health system in Baltimore, that she lived through the operation. That health system came out of nowhere and got my mother through. They were given a broken , frail, drugged, skeleton of a person who not long ago was (provable) vital and healthy. The operation was a success and now she is put back In the court ordered (can normal people believe this ?) place she never should have been and is in a wheelchair … or “resting”…. There is no house; it was sold. This has been a one-sided unfair fight from the Courtroom to her Wheelchair …God is crying….
Update: April 2016: My mother – who never suffered from a broken bone in her entire life – now suddenly broke her hip after being made very frail by this forced guardianship and what has been done to her.
By the grace of God and the excellent care at the other system in Baltimore, she survived the operation. I am so thankful for everyone who took care of her. Now, she is being sent back to the same facility where she suffered the break. Can she survive for long? She is so weak, so frail, so tiny. As my wonderful Italian friend/ family said after my Mother’s operation, “Your Mother is made of Italian marble to have gotten through this operation in her frail condition.”
My Mother had refused to succumb to the evil she faced when young and refused to succumb to the evil she had now faced. There was no way to make her weak. But to break a hip after losing all her muscle mass and weight, now has her death sentence. Even the strongest will be weakened. Paula is a woman of valor and integrity and we could not be more proud of her! I want to thank everyone who has stood by us and prayed with us.
Every day, I wake up with the same fear – that today will be the day my Mother will give up. Even the strong cannot fight forever. Please, please pray for justice…
Please visit Paula’s website: and continue to visit to this page as more information will continue to be posted.
My Mother is fading fast. She was healthy and happy before guardianship. Now she’s skin and bones, has trouble breathing and keeping her eyes open. She needs help!
I am an only child and I have all the PoA’s and advance directives for my parents, the same continuity of wishes that I am their heir, their protector for health and decisions. None of that matters when the plan to grab someone and their estate is made.
When my parents and I came to this country, immediately they went to work 16-18 hours a day . 2 jobs at a time. Then they bought small stores in poor neighborhoods and we lived on top of the stores .They understood when people in the neighborhood could not pay but needed food. My parents gave them what they wanted and waited to get paid. Over and over through all the years I just remember them working, never taking from any one else, never cheating. My mother would tell me when she saw others cheating people, “I like money and need it , BUT I would not do ANYTHING to others to get it ” some did, some still do but not my parents. Through everything I their only child was with them in every business, in any success and failure, in any courage and strength or sadness I was there. Always loving my parents. Them, always loving me. Now, bad people tormented my good, special father , the best warmest, most intelligent man. We miss him so. Why did their evil not leave him alone? My mother has always been a light. The sun and she had so much in common . Good normal people loved my parents. Dysfunctional, envious people of bad character did not. Now everything my parents worked for and made sure we had is gone. When I was born, there was no milk; there were no toys; my playground was the bombed out rubble of buildings . My parents held my hand through everything. Because of them I had milk and bread when it was hard to get. While, I, their only child, was protected by my parents, I held on tight trying to protect them their whole lives. They would make sure we would not be shoe-less, hungry with no where to turn, as they had been. Instead, while my father was ill with cancer and heart trouble, I could not protect him from tormentors although I tried so hard. THEN my good, stable, hard-working all her life mother is taken from me; her house taken; she continuously drugged and everything she worked for and prayed should never happen to her family AGAIN, has been done to her. We want my mother and the almost $2,000,000 that belonged to her. My mother did not work her whole life so she gets thrown into a locked place and drugged while everything is taken. My parents worked so that we would have a place to live, food to eat, and not be a burden to society so they would be an asset, pay taxes and be productive so that others can be helped. This has been taken from them and from their only surviving progeny.
How dare they take my mother, a beacon of light …. take everything she worked for and line their pockets. To take from us and make us poor. My parents came here so we would have bread to eat, and a house to live in — not to have to worry every minute how we would live, like they had to do. Then it all is put into others pockets, into others families, vacations, cars. And we are put back into the place my parents never wanted us to know. The nerve of this.
I want my mother. You have done everything to her. Captured her like she is an animal. Drugged her almost out of her mind, took away her house, her money, her family.. . you have what was not and is not yours. You were not the ones who had to start from nothing, with no one to help you. You were not the ones who had to stand on your feet all day to make sure your family had a roof over your head and food to eat. No. You did not do these things.
But to take away human beings like they are nothing but a piece of property and to destroy everything they worked for , THAT you do !!! You play with lives and laugh while your pockets grow fuller. No care for the precious breath of people we love or that time is finite to be with them.
Love to you is a weakness to exploit. Your toys of power make you giggle. How powerful you are. How weak we are that we cannot fight back. And again for my mother ….. The second time in her life. Where is G-d ?
My Mother:
This woman lost her family very young and recently lost her husband. She has one daughter and one loving granddaughter.
She survived almost insurmountable odds in her life while young. She has always been a courageous and optimistic person. She and her husband worked 7 days a week /16 hours a day to insure they would be able to take care of themselves and not be a burden on society.
Instead of enjoying her promised golden years that she had worked so hard and saved for, she was forced into a locked dementia unit nursing home against her will and given medicines she never needed or had taken in her life. Her home was sold out from under her and her valuables are gone.
When she first was given these foreign drugs, she said, “Please do anything, pay anything to get me out.” She KNEW something that maybe others did not know . .. She was trapped for some reason.
She has begged, pleaded, stated every single day that she wants to be out of there.
Psychotropic drugs given to people that do not need them CAUSE dementia . Due to the daily drugging, she is now almost submissive. She now asks her daughter and granddaughter something she would never utter in her life, in the worst condition, “Please tell me, I want to be out of here.” She asked just yesterday for the first time, “Is the plan that I am to stay here and then drop?”
She understands something very bad is going on. She has a daughter and granddaughter that love her and want her and have a place for her to live.
Please help this wonderful, courageous, woman. An appeal is made to anyone in Baltimore, around this situation, to help Paula. The only way Paula can get out is with the blessing of the judge and others. Her family prays this can happen before she loses her will to live and completely gives up.
During the war years, she was saved twice. Once by a Catholic priest who was friends with her father and her family. The other by German soldiers who let her live.
She needs someone to help her now.
A word of gratitude from Paula’s daughter, Frania:
I am very grateful to the many persons who are contacting me in support of my Mother and the injustice she is suffering at hands of the system which is supposed to be protecting her. Thank you for caring about my Mother; thank you for your outrage about what has happened to her; and thank you for your concern for her health. I also appreciate the information you are providing.
I just want my Mother to be released to my care and my home. It’s what she wants most of all too. I cannot bear the thought of my wonderful Mother being trapped in a nursing home against her will for the rest of her life. She is unhappy and afraid, and there is no reason she can’t be with me as both of us wish. Your support means the world to me.
The SPARK. My mother and I were attempting to stop predators from tormenting us. Now ill with cancer and after major heart surgery, my wonderful father was an easy target. They frightened him.
He told my mother many times that if we do not listen to these predators, we will get hurt. My mother and I were not afraid. I told the predators “Do not victimize my parents. They have gone through enough in their lives.”
Police, organizations, and people all over knew I was asking for help. Now, afraid they would get found out, it got worse. It had to. They taunted and threatened my father, a person who had lost his entire family when young. He was afraid for himself but more for all of us.
But sadly, my father’s words eventually rang true. At the time caretakers were in my parents’ home and valuable items began to go missing. One time, my mother was alone and was attacked and the attackers tried to get her gold bracelet off of her arm. She fought them back and you can see the dent in the bracelet from that fight in this picture. During this event, they also tore her chain necklace I had given her to wear for good luck.
Instead of listening to my mother and protecting her, she was accused of being delusional and imagining things. I tried to get them out and they would not leave. I begged for help and no one would help. This is what happens when you try to fight back. Instead of protecting my brave mother, she was forced into a locked dementia unit and drugged.
There is a middle part to this story. For later.
My mother could not return to her home when she was young. There was no more home. She has now again been taken from her home. For no reason that is true. My mother, Paula Kryszpel, now has a case number. During the war years she was also a number. A non person.
She has control over nothing, others tell her what to do, others decide what doctors she goes to, they spend her money and take her from any normal life. Her case number almost matches the tattooed number on my father’s arm. I looked at those numbers my whole life.
My mother is locked in a dementia unit, drugged, away from any normal life, away from her family that loves her, the house she cleaned with her own hands, the kitchen she cooked in, everything taken.
The second time in her life. For no true reason.
She is dying. It does not matter what doctors write in their notes. I have seen too many lies. I have been my parent’s caretaker since I was a teenager. The fact that she has not died is only a testament to her strength and her want to live. If she realized the plan in place for her, she would be shocked. Here, in America, the Land of the Free?
German soldiers saved her. They saw who Paula was…even digging in the fields as a slave laborer with one of their own commanders coming at her, trying to kill her, the German soldiers knew she was not the guilty one. They saved her. They saw she was a hard worker and a brave girl. They liked her for that. That is right. All Germans we not bad.
In Poland, the Catholic Priest knew her father well. He told my mother to make sure her family knew when not to be in certain places because the enemy was coming near. He helped her to save her entire family.
He did what he could. Later, nothing helped anymore.
I am afraid my mother will die. I want my mother out of guardianship. The endless drugs have harmed her. The stress has shortened her life. This to happen in America, the land we came to for freedom and peace, is unbelievable. It has to be a mistake. It needs to be corrected. Now.
My parents came to the U.S. with nothing, worked and slaved for every penny. Now it has been robbed. There is no other word for it.
You have taken a mother, a grandmother, a moral, brave woman from us. You did not allow her to have a mourning for her husband of 68 years in the house she cleaned with her own hands, the house my father and her worked hard to have … no normal mourning for my father. I, an only child, have had to go now in the world, holding tight through death, sicknesses…. normal lives stolen… all my parents worked for and were so proud of gone. It did not belong to anyone else. Forced and not able to make free my hard working, immigrant mother, I must watch her deteriorate –all the while begging to be free. Why ? How could you ? Why would you ?
I, who was born from a fire that my parents families went through, have never known what big families are, never knew grandparents but came from two special people. But you take away from people who had already been injured in life , already suffered losses so great it is hard for others to imagine. People who escaped a fire so big it devoured their entire families , belongings, histories ? … how could you take away from a tiny family like this? How could you make them suffer?
I was taught when a bird has a broken wing you help it to fly and be glad When you see it soar. Because it makes all things good possible for everyone . You do not destroy; you build. That is the right way. That is what we need to leave for our children. Not destruction.
The biggest tragedy……..My brave mother is in a locked dementia unit with howling, screaming people. The ones who did this are free to go out and breathe fresh air –not my mother….Like Anne Frank, “I never saw a butterfly.”
It is an unfair fight. The tiny against the big.
I need to get an emergency way to get my mother out and healthy ! She will not last. Justice needs to be established. (They were not grieved by the affliction of my mother) They sold the righteous and perverted the way of the good people. ) I believe this comes from the Bible .
These people should be put into captivity , like my mother has been.
It should be an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth , That is not revenge . It means if you take someone’s eye , then your eye should be taken. Nothing more. Nothing less. If you drug, get doctors(?$) and others to write false reports, lock away the people while dissipating their hard earned assets, then the exact same thing should be done to you. Nothing more, nothing less.
My Mother summed it up quite eloquently: “I have trouble all my life, when I was young and now again.! I didn’t do anything wrong young and nothing wrong now”. Every word she said is true.
Everyone is given a chance or chances in our lives to help others. Even those who have done wrong, are given the opportunity to mend wrongful actions and set things right again. Those who have harmed my mother have that opportunity now, and I pray they take it for my mother’s sake and for their own salvation as well.
Please help us.
Today is another day very bad for both my daughter and me. I have been crying and lonely for my tiny family. I can’t stop thinking of how this could be done to my mother. I was born from a terrible loneliness. My parents lost everyone. We were supposed to rebuild; we were doing it. I had the best parents and then a bad fortune came to us. A son-in-law of the worst character. No one could have known this. No one could have know that money was everything to him. No one could have known that in his own family he would always try to outdo his siblings and cousins for his grandmother’s money. No one would have known how conniving and how dangerous he was.
I did, but later. When he first came,I was asked by my parents what I thought and said, “he seems fine.” My parents trusted me. I was dead wrong! In my innocence, I had never encountered young predatory men that would strip nice people of everything they own just to win. Growing up I knew such good boys who later became such good men. Where did a devil like this bad son-in-law crawl out from? None of us could understand this badness, this torment of elderly survivors to get all their assets. The pain was intolerable. My father, who is now deceased, told me when he first saw what these people were doing to be strong …. My father had no family after the war and no punks were going to bully us . (Now vulture cousins joined the bad son-in-law. This, after THEIR father, (my good uncle) died from seeing deviant behavior from his own children and thoroughly shocked. They and the bad son-in-law targeted my parents for the money and incredibly for loving to hurt the vulnerable.
It is interesting that so many people that do bad always fly a flag of philanthropy, of helping others . It is a mask. In the case of the people tormenting my family, it is a sadistic mask. The innocent can get fooled because normal people cannot believe such evil. MY daughter, married to the bad son-in-law tried to run back to me for protection . I heard how bad he was from very good people in the place they lived. I thanked these people for helping her and letting me know . She almost got away. We almost made it !!! But did not make it. The threats won. I had never seen my younger daughter again. She is not guilty. The bad son-in-law, some proxy people, and the sadist cousins got together to torment a wonderful tiny family.
They could not win until my father was ill with cancer and heart trouble. That is when sadists smile.
Weakness, illness gives them joy, the prey is weak. They can make them crawl. My good father was tormented to death by these circling vultures.
My mother tried, along with me, to fight them off, get them to go away. Instead , my father died in sorrow seeing what these sociopaths did to his two granddaughters, his daughter and his brave, love of his life, wife. PAULA KRYSZPEL. A woman of courage and valor.
For this woman to be drugged , imprisoned in a locked place. All she worked for, standing on her feet night and day , all my father and her worked for, since we came to this country and now judge, lawyers, to do this to her and our tiny family? How could you? Why would you?
I could not protect my father, as much as I tried. I need help to get my mother out of this The police should be after the bad guys. Detectives go get the bad guys. I knew who the bad guys were before …. We were trying to get them to stop. Why are there more bad guys now doing this to my mother and us? Was this all a mistake? You have a chance to undo it. Give us back my mother and what belongs to her.
Ma was forced in 2013 to be away from her house, her car, her life. Predators were tormenting my sick father. We needed help to stop them!! Her Maryland drivers license EXPIRES on April 2015. She drove every day before. There were no restrictions on her driver’s license. Her drivers license was current in good standing, her auto club membership was current . She was a competent person or else could not have been driving daily. There were no restrictions on her license. .She did not have Alzheimer’s. She never had Alzheimer’s. She never had to be on any type of psychotropic drugs. Why would doctor that never knew her write such false reports on her so she gets locked away and drugged? And then sell her house? She already had been in hell young. Why do this to her?
This is a picture of my Mother’s sweater after it was ripped and torn in various places when she “fell” Oct 17th, 2015. No one there knows what happened !?! She had to get staples put in her scalp. A blind person can look at the sweater and see someone was trying to hurt her and she tried to stop them. I have the sweater and her bloody blouse. The nurse wanted me to give the blouse and sweater for them to “clean”. Instead, I have them. Oct 17, Ma was injured (the furniture from the den/TV room where it happened was changed around immediately –too many blood stains). Oct 25, I was injured there by a very aggressive man . Scary. Big. No way to fight him off: brute strength. My poor Ma……….Please pray she gets out of this alive.
In addition, my parents always paid their bills on time all their lives. It was as important to them as everything they did and a matter of pride. They conducted themselves with the utmost honor and integrity and prided themselves on living a good, clean life. They worked hard and sacrificed all their lives for their family and then their old age.
My Father died, and my Mother would be shocked and embarrassed to know her taxes have not paid since she was forced into a guardianship/conservatorship for her “protection.”
Who has a court-appointed fiduciary duty to pay her taxes on time and properly handle of her financial obligations now that she’s locked in a dementia unit against her will? My mother’s estate pays the guardian of the estate to properly handle her financial affairs. Who holds the guardian of the estate accountable if a guardian fails their fiduciary duty?”
My parents loved this country and the state of Maryland. How could this be done? Here is a scarf with the American flag my mother father would wear proudly. One of two large American flags were always in the house , a pen from the House of Representatives on the desk, Mayor William Donald Shaeffer plates – straight from him.
I danced with him. He had such a good personality. There are lapel pins with the American flag.
They loved the state of Maryland and this country.
I hope Maryland helps my mother out of this guardianship before she dies !!! Please!