Guardianship Reform Advocates Remembered
We miss these faces of advocates gone too soon. They fought the good fight as long as they could and it’s up to the rest of us to continue on without them.
Some succumbed to illness likely related to worry and stress. There is nothing worse than being rendered completely helpless when your loved one needs your help and protection. The pain and worry can be unbearable and even claim a second victim.
And some succumbed to the very injury which brought the guardianship/conservatorship into their lives long ago, but left untreated too long because their guardian/conservator had dropped their medical insurance.
As we continue our advocacy for reform without these advocates, we keep them forever in our mind and our hearts. And we know they know we will carry on this cause in their honor, and we will make them proud.
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American essayist, lecturer, and poet
Today, we feel the overwhelming sadness of losing one of our own – one at the very core of NASGA. Lori Duboys was one of the original founders of NASGA, serving as Vice President until her retirement a few years ago when she was in her early 80’s. She is directly responsible for who NASGA was when we began and who NASGA became as we grew. Her retirement from NASGA wasn’t a full retirement as she had planned; she just slowed down some. In fact she was in the middle of a NASGA project just last week.
Lori always put herself last. She was the kind of person who couldn’t just see a wrong, she had to do her best to fix it. Her legacy lies in the many people she has helped over years and will continue to help because of her input and dedication to NASGA. Her legacy will live well beyond her life. And we will miss her dearly.

Lorraine Duboys, NASGA Co-founder
One of Lori’s children summed up her essence perfectly: “My mother was always ahead of her time. She wore jeans to school in the 40s and 50s, cut classes and dropped out at 15, eventually getting her GED in her 40s. She rode horses and motorcycles. She fought to get recognition for court reporters who used the steno mask/recording system (as opposed to the typed code-style) and was the first to be allowed to join their organization using her method. She has fought for lemon laws, against corruption in the courts, and for the rights of those under guardianship. She helped found a non-profit, NASGA – National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse. Mom is a member of Mensa.”
Before NASGA, Lori was very active in NY and directly responsible for a hard-hitting expose in the NY Daily News in 2001 titled, “Milking the Helpless.” Lori enjoyed words and she loved the title and found it fitting in describing guardianship abuse.
Godspeed, Lori
Read Lori’s website, Victims of Guardianship and Conservatorship
The cause of justice is the cause of humanity.
Its advocates should overflow with universal good will.
We should love this cause, for it conduces to the general happiness of mankind.
– William Godwin