Betty Hayes
State of Michigan
On May 1, 2021 I had durable power of attorney and my mother had a Trust.
On the evening of May 1, 2021 my niece, Rachel, unlawfully removed my mother from my home and had her sign a revocation of my power of attorney.
On May 3, 2021 my brother and I went to my niece’s home to bring our mother home and we’re informed by state police trooper Raven Toner my mother did not want to speak to us because Rachel told her we sold her house and stole her money. Trooper Toner also stated my Durable power of attorney was no good because Rachel had a new one drafted. I informed Trooper Toner my mother has dementia and cannot sign a new power of attorney and she said it’s a civil matter – nothing she can do.
After leaving Rachel’s residence we went to my mother’s bank PNC to warn them of what was happening and while we were there Rachel pulled up in the drive through and gave the bank manager William Baird another revocation document revoking my POA. Bank manager William Baird informed me what she did was illegal and he would note the account so she could not remove any of my mother’s money. He also informed me that Rachel, as a notary, could not notarize for her grandmother.
On May 4, 2021 Rachel went to Jackson County and filed restraining orders against myself, my brother Randy, and my husband Pat for going to her house with the police and for making her sad. In Jackson County you automatically get the orders and fight them afterward.
On May 7, 2021 Judge Freddie Burton Jr. heard my emergency appeal for guardianship. Guardian ad litem Melinda Cameron (who was appointed by the judge) told the judge Rachel’s document was fraud and the judge did nothing. He then suspended my durable power of attorney based on these frivolous restraining orders. He ignored the wishes of both of my parents from their 2013 estate plan when they were both of sound mind and allowed my mother to remain with someone who unlawfully removed her. He ignored my mother’s very serious health conditions.
On August 15, 2021 my Mother is hospitalized with sepsis from an untreated urinary tract infection and has lost 23 pounds. Again I file for emergency removal and again my pleas are ignored.
Fourteen months would go by before my mother was allowed to visit her own children and our families other than a single two hour visit at a library.
It has recently come to my attention lies were told to adult protective services in order to get them to stop their investigation. My home – where my mother had a custom built apartment – was never visited and my brothers were never spoken to by guardian ad litem Melinda Cameron who has the largest caseload in the tri county area for Gals.
Melinda Cameron has requested to be paid multiple times by Judge Freddie Burton Jr. out of my mothers Trust; but it is uncertain if she has or not at this time.
My mother’s story is not unique. This happens everyday to our most vulnerable – the elderly and the disabled.
Truth doesn’t matter in Probate Court. All that matters to the judge is what his court appointed guardian ad litem says. No investigation – no facts. Just lies and manipulation to take an 88 year-old woman with dementia’s $275,000 Trust account.
In my opinion, Michigan is not safe for the elderly and disabled. I have gone to our attorney general Dana Nessel and Katharine Barron from the Elder Abuse Task Force and nothing was done.
These attorneys and judges do what they want because they all have immunity!
“Karilyn’s Law” Stop Isolation allows Evidentiary Due Process Hearing within 10 Days. Early on process to protect your loved ones.
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